Hole in tyreI hit a curb on the way to work and blew the tyre out:

Yup, that is a very BIG HOLE!

Anyway, I had to change the tyre. Unlike most girls I like being self-sufficient, so I was fully planning to change the tyre. But I called work to let them know, and J was kind enough to come over and give me a hand.

J & tyre

Tyre & traffic coneIt was quite fun, and here’s the tyre next to our collapsible traffic cone. J thought it was a joke, and I was a dag, but out came the cone (we had never used it since we bought it in Mexico) and off came the tyre.

Anyway, even if I didn’t manage to change the tyre on my own this time, I think every girl should know how to change a tyre! So come on girls, go learn!!